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Room Revamp

ujjawaltyagii's github profile

A Virtual Interior Designer website where users can upload a photo of their room and customize it with different furniture and decor items.


RotrixLOL's github profile

Discover new movies and genres with chatbot experience.

Encipher | Decipher

siddarthdayala's github profile

A simple encryption/decryption website which allows users to encrypt/decrypt messages using three different cryptographic ciphers along with a key

Responsive Front-end Design

narayan2111's github profile

This Project is designed as a part of Coding Club intiative organized by MCA Department of Galgotias College of Enginnering and Technology. This Project involves creating the responsive design for the club. This Project has 3 contributors Narayan Dwivedi(Lead) ,Mayank Shukla and Shivam Rai as a members of a team.


oyepriyansh's github profile

An open-source developer-focused web application for sharing thoughts and knowledge within the developer community

Personality Analysis

akshaya-hub's github profile

In this project, one can analyze the personality of different persons and can calculate the accuracies of personalities using different algorithms

Donation Carnival

prachisingh1008's github profile

In this project user can donate amount as per their capability using razorpay and that amount will be used for the welfare work

Certificate Generator

vaibhav-xt's github profile

This is a certificate generator application that take inputs and generate certificate also we cand do download.

Temperature-converter app

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

temperature converter is used to convert temperature kelvin , Fahrenheit,Celsius


coderhersh's github profile

Pinax is a landing page made in Angular and tailwindcss.